Frequently Asked Questions


01. What are the different specifications in window film?

These are the common specifications in window film –

Total solar energy rejected – The total amount of heat that is rejected by the film. The higher the number the better the performance.
Solar Energy (Heat) consist of 3 main things:
i. Infrared Rays – 53% of Heat (Main Source of Heat)
ii. Visible Light – 43% of Heat
iii. Ultraviolet Rays – 4% of Heat

Visible light transmittance – The amount of visible light that is passing through the film. The lower the number the darker the film is.

Ultra-violet Rejection – This is the total amount of UV Rays that are being rejected by the film. The higher the number the lesser UV Rays are being transmitted through the film. Ultraviolet Rays are the most harmful component of heat. It causes premature ageing of skin, one of the leading causes of skin cancer and the discolouration of furniture and flooring.

Infrared Rejection (IR) – infrared is the biggest contributor to the total heat. It is the percentage of Infrared Rays being rejected by the film. This measurement is between the wavelength of 780nm to 2500nm. The higher the percentage the better the performance.

Shading Coefficient – Shading Coefficient (SC Value) is a measurement of the thermal performance of the glass unit (panel or window) in a building. It is the ratio of solar gain (due to direct sunlight) passing through a glass unit to the solar energy which passes through a 3mm clear float glass. The lower the SC Value to better the performance of the film.

Visible light reflection – This is the amount of light being reflected by the film. The higher the number the more reflective the film will look. (Mirror-Like Film) The Building & Construction Authority of Singapore only allows a maximum of 20% visible light reflectance on the buildings & cars.

02. Is there a film where I can look outside and others cannot look inside 24/7?

Darker or reflective window films can achieve one way privacy in the daytime when there is more light outside. People are unable to look in while on the other hand, the occupant has a clear view of the outside. Do note however, that in the night, the effect is reversed when the lights are brighter indoors – people from the outside are able to look in clearly, but you cannot look outside.

Thus there is no such film that can offer 24/7 privacy. To achieve that, you will have to use blinds or curtains at night.

03. What are the different types of window film technology?

There are mainly 2 types of window film technology, namely absorbing heat films and reflecting heat films. Nano-ceramic films are the most common of films that absorbs heat while metallic films reflect heat. While metallic films reflect heat, it has high light reflectivity which may not be compliant with Singapore BCA laws.

Pacco Films specialises in Sputtered Films which uses precious metals like silver and gold to effectively reflect heat, while still maintaining the clarity of the glass. This is the true heat reflecting film.

04. How should I clean or maintain my window film?

Use a soft cloth and a light cleaning solution/water to wipe your window films. Avoid using rough cloth, or any gadgets that has chance to scratch your window films. Maintenance is easy and our films can last up to 15 years.

05. How do I choose the right type of window film for my home?

There are a couple of factors to look at while choosing window films for your home. Firstly what problems are you facing, is it heat / glare/ UV / safety issues? Secondly, the budget you are looking at. Lastly, the amount of light entering you windows are something you should consider too, whether if it is too dark. Do look at our blog for more info.

06. How do I block glare from my windows?

Use a darker tint to block glare from your windows. A darker tint works like a sunglasses where it helps to shield and block the harsh sunlight into your eyes.