Sputtered Films Technology

Glass and Film Solutions backed with Technology

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Sputtered Films Technology

Cutting-edge Manufacturing Technology


Cutting-edge Manufacturing Technology

Pacco window films are crafted using top-of-the-line sputtering equipment.

This allows us to insert layers of silver and gold particles onto high quality materials, giving our
film outstanding insulation and clarity.


Custom Coating Systems

Experience the best in coating technology ensuing precise and uniform coatings for our window film.

This means clearer, longer-lasting windows that stay stable over time.


Thorough Testing

We go the extra mile to ensure quality.

Trusted Singapore accredited laboratories rigourously test our products for durability and performance, so you can trust our window film meets the highest standards.

Sputtered Films Technology

Proprietary Innovation


Innovative Coating Design

Our patented coating process layers precious metals onto our film using advanced technology.

This creates a thin, highly insulating layer that keeps your space comfortable.


Intelligent Heat Reflection

Our smart heat reflection technology balances natural lighting with insulation, keeping your space bright and comfortable while blocking excess heat.


Make Your Space Greener with Pacco.

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