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Dyed Film – Metallized Film – Carbon Film – Hybrid Film – Ceramic Film -Sputtered Film

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Dyed Film – Metallized Film – Carbon Film – Hybrid Film – Ceramic Film -Sputtered Film

With hundreds of brands and thousand of types of window film in the market right now, it is very difficult for a consumer to make the correct choice and choose the most suitable window film for their homes/offices. We always encourage our customers to make comparison with other brands first before deciding. Which type of technology is the latest? To better explain to customers, we at Pacco have done our own research.

The whole industry is dominated by USA and thus the information online are mostly based on USA consumers’ preferences and trends. This resulted in a misinformation of the consumers in Singapore, whatever the USA says, Singaporeans just follow. Looking beyond just the USA, one should research and study other brands and types of window film. More importantly, these films are actually more effective. Let us go through the various types of films.

Dyed Films

This is the first type of window film to exist, and from its name, you can imagine all the different colors you can have just by changing the color of the dye. Having a low reflective surface, the appearance of dyed film is actually pleasing. However, dye is not as color stable as other materials and will thus fade over time. As it fades, the ability to block heat also diminishes. The technology used to block heat through dyed film is through absorption of heat.

Metal Films

These films use metals to block and reflect heat. These films are usually also called reflective films. The darkness and heat blocking capabilities are determined by the density of the metals in the films. The denser and heavier the metals in it, the darker and more reflective it is. These films typically reflect and absorb heat to block heat. They are more durable and lasting and are no prone to fading of color and also lost of their heat blocking capabilities.

Electron beam coating and vapor coating are the most common ways to metallize films. However these are older and cheaper techniques where the metals are prone to corrosion. Newer technology like sputter coating is the best process and is what most premium films use. This allows for even layering of the metals in the film and thus decreases corrosion problems.

Ceramic Films

Ceramic films are claimed to be the newest technology used in window films. Last checked, these technologies have been around for more than a decade. Ceramics are known for their heat absorption capabilities which helps to block heat. Being very durable and non-reflective, they are able to last for very long. Due to this fact, they easily perform better than metallized films in lighter shades, where they can allow more light to come in while absorbing and blocking the heat. Higher technology ceramic films also use sputter coating technology for uniform deposition of ceramics into the films.

Spectral Selective Films

I would call these the newest type of window films around, although also when last check, it has been around for more than a decade. These films are made of multiple layers of either metal or ceramics. Infrared rays are reflected internally between the layers of either metals or ceramics in the film structure and cause the infrared wavelengths to collide together and cancel them out and thus eliminate almost all of the infrared rays from passing through the film.

These are, in my opinion, the most advanced film types and typically use a combination of metals or ceramics to achieve the cancellation of the infrared wavelengths. If the film uses metals, it is usually Gold, Silver and Indian Tin Oxide or Iridium combinations. These are more expensive but are highly effective in REFLECTING heat more than absorbing the heat inside. Moreover, these films are also not as reflective as normal metallized films. Some other window films use ceramic for their spectral selective films, although not as effective but the prices are more affordable. Moreover the heat absorption that ceramics bring means that heat is still being kept inside the film itself.

Films with this capabilities – multi layer films with sputter technology with Gold, Silver etc – are the most effective films in the market where there is low light reflectance while possessing a high heat reflection abilities. They allow maximum light in, while reflecting maximum heat out.

The various types of films are just infinite and there are many possibilities of hybrid films where the various technologies above are combined to adapt to the various needs. To truly test which kind of film you would need, request for a demo or comparison between the various films. Still not convinced if you should spend that thousands of dollars for your house/office, request for a mock up, and truly experience the difference it brings.

Pacco uses spectral selective films with sputter technology using gold/silver. Contact us today to experience the true heat blocking window film.

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